How To Quit Smoking

I consider myself an expert in knowing how to quit smoking because I quit the tobacco habit so many times that I really cannot remember how many times I did. I have some memory of quitting for a period of anywhere from six months to three years. Therefore, I consider myself experienced in knowing how to also go back to this habit, and like all habits, we need to deal with it in the subconscious mind because that is where we have trained our mind to smoke.

So let's start at the beginning which is where we trained our brain to light up. And by the way, I do not need to start in the morning because we taught ourselves to not only smoke before and after everything that we do, but also during anything that we do whenever possible. Let's start with the morning since we have to start someplace. Do you think about cigarettes the first thing in the morning when you wash your face? Probably not because you did not train your mind to think about tobacco when you wash up in the morning. You need to start thinking about where you have created the smoking habits that you have made your own before you can understand how to quit smoking.

How about at the breakfast table after the meal and now it's coffee time? Do you light up? How long have you been reaching for a cigarette with the coffee? Thus, what comes to your mind whenever you have coffee? You taught your subconscious mind to think about cigarettes every time you have coffee in the morning because you think about having a cigarette every time you have coffee in the morning and so you have created this form of association.

I would light up each and every morning when I walked outside and I would also reach for one each and every time I got in my car as I was rolling the car window down. So what do you think I would think about every time I walked outside to get in my car? Yep you guessed it. Twice my subconscious mind would have had to think it's time for a cigarette because that is what I would do each and every time I walked outside and that is what I would also do each and every time I would get in my car.

So to learn how to quit smoking I had to learn how to walk outside without reaching for the cigarettes, and yes I had to also learn how to get in my car without having my subconscious brain think about tobacco. Because for years I had trained my brain cells (by association) to think about cigarettes when I walked outside and also whenever I started off to drive a car. If you can control this habit that you brought into every area of your life because you lit up before and after you do anything and during as much as possible. Then you to can learn how to quit smoking because the nicotine will be out of your body in three days if you were to stop today. The rest is in your thinking patterns in the form of how you associate everything that you do with cigarettes.

I had to learn on my own how to continue to smoke, but not when I was having a beer, and that created a new habit in my subconscious mind of having a beer without smoking. This is how I taught my brain how to have a beer without thinking about reaching for the cigarettes. Was I still smoking? You bet your life I was, but not when I was having a beer. Oh by the way, one of the big reasons why the coffee and beer are so much fun with tobacco is because the beverage is easing what you are doing to the throat.

Most if not all smokers taught themselves to think about cigarettes each and every time they finish eating a meal. So once again, what do you think smokers think about after each and every meal? You will not be able to fix lunch this way unless you do all of the meals the same way because the brain cannot tell the difference between one meal or the other. So you will need to train your brain to not think about cigarettes after eating a meal the same way that you trained your brain to think about having a cigarette after the meal.

Quitting the cigarette habit is done the same way you trained your mind to think about cigarettes in the first place because it all deals with what happens in the subconscious mind by way of associations. By not having a cigarette after you finish eating is how to train the subconscious mind to not think about cigarettes after you have had a meal. It's the same way that you taught yourself to think about cigarettes after the meal. I mastered this technique when I started going to a place I would otherwise never go to again. It was at such a place that I would have all of my cigarettes so I could train my brain to not think about tobacco the same way I trained my mind to think about tobacco.

In doing so I associated smoking with going to a place that I would never go to again until I was free from cigarettes. By sheer default my subconscious mind created the habits of doing everything else without thinking about reaching for the cigarettes. Thus, tobacco was no longer calling me. Cool ha? Now how did I get to be an expert on this? Because I trained myself how to go back to smoking the same way I trained myself how to quit. I started smoking at the age of nine years old and last stopped at forty-seven and have now been clean of tobacco for many years. Oh and one more thing. If you say that you smoke because you like it. Then feel free to read this paper again and click the link below for more on how to tap into the subconscious mind.

To break or change a habit

Here's some data on the lungs...

My doctor told me my lungs are not working as well as they should and I can bring them back to working normally if I do breathing exercises. The following is helping me almost overnight and so I thought I would put it on the computer so that others might benefit from what is working for me and in my case rather fast. I do each of these a few times at each sitting and I sit with them a couple times a day. These 5 breathing exercises should always be done by breathing through the nostrils and always having your elbows at your side and the shoulder blades pushed back. In other words, good posture.

Exercise 1
The cleansing breath is done by breathing in as deeply and comfortably as you can. Breathe out and in, out and in, out and in, to the rhythm of sawing wood where the out-breath is the working stroke and the in-breath is the pull-back recovery stroke. Always breathing out more breath than you breathe in. Go on breathing out and in, out and in until you can't breathe out anymore. Then blow out more because you will find that you can still puff out a bit more. Pause a second and then let the long satisfying in-breath sweep into your lungs automatically. Then start again and do this exercise 3 or 4 times.

Exercise 2
Do this after taking the cleansing breath in exercise 1. Breathe in... to the count of 7 seconds and pause for a second and then breathe out to the count of 7 seconds and pause for a second. Do this in-and-out breath cycle 12 times.

Exercise 3
Take care in this exercise to fill the lungs completely right up to the top while keeping the chest-wall firm. Breathe in... to the count of 4 and then pause for a second and breathe slowly out to a count of 12 and pause for a second. Breathe in... to the count of 5 and then pause for a second and breathe slowly out to a count of 15 and pause for a second. Breathe in... to a count of 6 and pause for a second and breath slowly out to a count of 18 and pause for a second. Breathe in... to the count of 7 and pause for a second and breathe slowly out to the count of 20 and pause for a second. Repeat this last count 3 times.

Exercise 4
This exercise should be done without gasping for breath, but gently breathing in a full deep easy breath that is not forced without moving the shoulders because the tendency will be to raise them as you reach the top of the in-ward breath. Bring the mind to understand what you are doing and concentrate on relaxing the body more and more by keeping the upright posture. Take a full breath in and at the top of the inward breath begin to breathe out in a series of short breaths through the nostrils exactly like a puffing locomotive. Mentally you should be thinking out, out, out until you feel you cannot breathe out anymore. Then let out the remaining breath because you will find there is still some left and then hold the breath for 10 seconds. Take a full breath and pause for a second and then out again in short locomotive-like breaths and then hold the breath for 15 seconds. Then repeat the slow in-breath as you control the increasing rush of your incoming breath as you let it fully and easily inflate the lungs and pause for a second as before and then again breathe out and hold the breath this time for 20 seconds.

Exercise 5
Breathe in... to the count of 14 and then hold the breath without inducing the slightest strain to the count of 20 seconds. Breathe out and pause a little and breathe in again to the count of 14 seconds and hold the breath for 25 seconds. Breathe out to the utmost and pause a little and then breathe in again for 14 seconds and hold the breath for 30 seconds.

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